Our Visual Inspector Division has conducted over 10,000 property inspections
KY HI #305263
FL HI #9296
Multi-Science Thermographers

AHIT is one of the highest rated Home Inspector training facilities in the nation. Our inspectors are always Certified by AHIT, Licensed and Insured. A buyers inspection is initiated by the home buyer and is generally a contingency during the home buying process.
This will help assure that no major decencies are present and the current state of the home is reported back to you utilizing digital photos in the report to allow you to feel as though you are right there with us.
AHIT is one of the highest rated Home Inspector training facilities in the nation. Our inspectors are always Certified by AHIT, Licensed and Insured. A buyers inspection is initiated by the home buyer and is generally a contingency during the home buying process.
This will help assure that no major decencies are present and the current state of the home is reported back to you utilizing digital photos in the report to allow you to feel as though you are right there with us.

Home builders often initiate a "warranty" on a house for a period of one year or longer which is designed to cover the costs to repair systems and structural-related problems during the warranty period. A warranty inspection should be performed prior to the expiration of the home warranty contract so that you can address repairable issues with the builder while the warranty is in-force. Otherwise, you may be fully liable for the repair costs on your own should you allow the warranty to expire prior to discovering defects. Warranty inspections allow you to take full-advantage of the warranty's benefits which can save you from paying out-of-pocket for
repairs that may have been the fault of the builder or OEM manufacturer.
Home builders often initiate a "warranty" on a house for a period of one year or longer which is designed to cover the costs to repair systems and structural-related problems during the warranty period. A warranty inspection should be performed prior to the expiration of the home warranty contract so that you can address repairable issues with the builder while the warranty is in-force. Otherwise, you may be fully liable for the repair costs on your own should you allow the warranty to expire prior to discovering defects. Warranty inspections allow you to take full-advantage of the warranty's benefits which can save you from paying out-of-pocket for
repairs that may have been the fault of the builder or OEM manufacturer.

Is initiated by the property owner usually prior to listing the property. It helps the seller to determine what systems and structures of the property need repair. More importantly, it helps the seller and the seller's agent to accurately represent the home by disclosing damage to prospective buyers (which further helps to curb lawsuits). Damage discovered as a result of a seller's inspection can either be repaired by the seller (to maintain market value) or used as a negotiating tool by both seller and buyer.
Is initiated by the property owner usually prior to listing the property. It helps the seller to determine what systems and structures of the property need repair. More importantly, it helps the seller and the seller's agent to accurately represent the home by disclosing damage to prospective buyers (which further helps to curb lawsuits). Damage discovered as a result of a seller's inspection can either be repaired by the seller (to maintain market value) or used as a negotiating tool by both seller and buyer.

NEW CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION - is much like a warranty inspection except for the fact that the building and its systems are, in fact, new. Whereas a warranty inspection can apply to re-sale homes that offer a warranty, new-construction inspections are specifically designed for homes that have never been lived-in. Though new homes do not have the wear-and-tear on them that re-sale home may, various contractors associated with the construction may have made mistakes whether by accident or intentionally (such as taking "shortcuts" to finish the job faster or under-budget). A new-construction inspection provides you with an unbiased review by the inspector who acts as an objective and knowledgeable observer on your behalf to
identify construction-related, code-related, and installation-related issues with home systems
and structures.
identify construction-related, code-related, and installation-related issues with home systems
and structures.

HOME MAINTENANCE INSPECTION - Also called a "Home Health Check-up", maintenance inspections are performed usually once per year simply to ensure the integrity of a home's systems and structure. Because all things have a "planned obsolescence" period, maintenance inspections help to make the homeowner aware of immediate and upcoming needs for replacement and repair that could save thousands-of-dollars if discovered early-on.

ELECTRONIC RADON TESTING - is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas. You can't see radon, you can't smell it or taste it, but it may be a problem in your home. Radon is estimated to cause many thousands of deaths each year. That's because when you breathe air containing radon, you can get lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high. Radon can be found all over the U.S. It comes from the natural (radioactive) breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and gets into the air you breathe. It can get into any type of building — homes, offices, and schools - and result in a high indoor radon level. You and your family are most likely to get your greatest exposure at home where you spend most of your time. Testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon. EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all homes below the third floor for radon, and an inspector certified to perform radon testing is one of your best sources to preventing radon contamination in your home.